We recently took a little poll with our Facebook friends and asked the men who follow us a question: What are your top sexual turn ons? We were kind of surprised by the things that men said turn them on. Either they read the question wrong or really didn’t understand the assignment, but a lot of men described non sexual things as buttons that really turn them on. Which is an interesting concept considering most men get categorized as being only interested in the sex itself. So ladies tune in and get your note pads out if you’re looking for different ways to get your man turned on!
- A Sense of Humor
Men who responded to our poll mentioned a sense of humor being a super turn on for them. Obviously, if you can make someone laugh, it’s an attractive quality. Overly serious couples tend to get shafted to the side. That being said, we are one of those serious personality type couples so we totally get it. We have a sense of humor, but it takes us a while to open up. Our sense of humor is dry, so we never want to offend someone before we actually get to know them. Once we know them, we’re funny as fuck!

- Physical Touch
Men love a woman to touch all over their body. Touch their face while kissing them, chest, back and arms. Many women seem to think that men only want to go to the dick stimulation. While that is totally understandable, just like women – men want full body touches. Explore his body. Touch him in places he usually doesn’t get touched. Explore the back of his knees during a massage. Kiss the small of his back. This is guaranteed to turn him on. - Ass/Titties
Men are either “ass men” or “titties men.” It’s not that they don’t appreciate both/and, it’s just a preference. Many of the men we polled mentioned something about a nice ass or boobs. What was interesting is that the men we polled did not say anything about size of boobs. They really were lovers of all types of sizes of titties. Contrary to magazines and pop culture, according to our small poll, big tits aren’t really that important to men.

- Being Vocal
Just like women want men to communicate. Men want women to be vocal too. Tell him what turns you one. Express your oooohs and ahhhhs. Make it clear what is getting you off. Most men, if given the opportunity, will go the extra mile to make a woman cum if you communicate with them. If they are missing the spot, tell them! If they are hitting it in the right way and you want them to keep going, tell them! Lynn often will tell her lovers to “keep going right there” to make sure they keep hitting the spot until she is over the top.
- Flirty
Ladies, it would behoove you to invest in learning how to flirt. Many of the men we polled said that the flirty build up is what turns them on the most. Sad to say, most married couples in the lifestyle have probably lost the art of flirting after they got married. For us, we’ve had to revisit what flirting even looks like with someone that’s not our spouse. The game of back and forth definitely has the potential to get your partner and your playmates super turned on.
Full disclosure, this poll was just a flimsy Facebook poll that we took. Don’t take this as scientific data! That being said, there still seemed to be several subjects mentioned that kept coming up over and over for us in our comments. We’d love to hear from you men that are reading this. What are your top sexual turns ons? Which ones did we miss? Any interesting or taboo ones that you’d like to share? Comment below!