We first came across Spark Erotic from our friends at Sex Uninterrupted. Somehow, on social media, we must have stumbled across a post or photo-shoot James and Taara had done with Spark. Naturally, they are a hot couple we wanted to see naked so we took a peek – oh the joy to discover a company like Spark existed! While we appreciate porn, we’ve always preferred reality type porn videos. Videos where you can tell the couples are real and that they enjoy knowing that other people are watching them.

Spark is this times 10, but doesn’t consider what they do porn. Spark is classified more within the genre of artistic erotica. Not only does Spark create films that feature real life couples, but they take the production value up a notch. Not 70’s porno style production value, but in quality, sound and story.

After a long day at work, the wife and I sat down after the kids went to bed for some fun sexy time. I suggested we take a look at Spark to get us in the mood. We both grabbed our drinks, got comfy on the couch and pulled up the website. We reviewed some of the sections of the website. One of the things we loved about Sparks mission was their view on pornography:

“Keeping with the tradition of excellence in artistic value, we are dedicated to the term “Erotica” to describe our art rather than the term “pornography.” The Greek root “porneia” is best translated as “sexual immorality” and is most accurately applied to things such as rape, incest, bestiality, etc. Pornography, therefore, means truly obscene writings, drawings, photography and film about these topics. In other words -bad things with no artistic value. Erotica, in contrast, is “Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.”

This is something we can definitely get behind. Spark is also female owned and directed, another bonus on why we love Spark. Besides the great mission Spark has, we were ready to up our senses, so we scrolled through some of the film offerings. We should mention Spark has a different pay model than other paid porn sites. They basically allow you to make a suggested donation towards the production of their next film in exchange for access. This way, you actually participate in the project! What a wonderful concept!

We started watching a film titled “Redemption: A bad day gets much better.” After the day we had chasing the kids around and putting out fires at work, we felt this was an appropriate start. No script to the film, all acting. The cinematography in this piece was amazing! Every shot, from the drop of wine running down the bottle to the sexy shower scene, kept our attention the whole time. It was a short film, but our first reaction to it was…speechless. The film ended and kept us wanting more.

We moved on to watch “Worth the Wait: A story about a delay at work and the joy of coming home.” Another fitting film that the wife and I could relate to. What we loved most about this film was the connection between the couple portrayed in the film. Being used to “tube porn,” the film moved a little slow for me. The story line was great though, but at this point we were ready to pull our pants off and watch this delicious couple fuck. Maybe the delay was intended artistically now that I think about it, but it was well worth it. We loved how they incorporated the female’s love of hula-hooping into the video to display a bit of her character. At the end of this one, instead of being horny as fuck, Lynn cried.

We saved the best for last and had been wanting to watch “Heaven: Five friends meet for a heavenly “girls night.” By this time we were wet and ready ourselves. Lynn put me on the floor and wanted to suck me off while we both watched this one. Of course, no complaints from me. I was already somewhat ready, but feeling her warm, wet mouth take me in made my dick pulsate with delight. Listening to the girls discuss their erotic desires and watching them eventually end up in a cluster fuck almost took me to the edge. Lynn decided she wanted to hop on my dick and slide me into her already soaked pussy. We both took turns glancing at the tv while Lynn rode my dick deep. The soundtrack and the sights of these girls making each other cum eventually gave Lynn a pulsating orgasm on my cock, which in turn led me to blow my load on my stomach not long after, right as the film was ending. Perfect timing! Lynn said this was her favorite one of the three. She likes being naughty, so I thought she would enjoy this one.

We were thoroughly impressed with Spark Erotic’s films and we will definitely be back for more. Not only were these films sexy, they were classy, hot and well produced. Something we would recommend for any couple who wants to put a Spark in their bedroom to try. Some women get turned off at the idea of “regular porn.” This would be a great step towards enjoying something erotic together as a couple to enhance your bedroom experience.

We are looking forward to partner with Spark in the future and you will see more of them around our articles, emails and social media channels. Who knows, you might see us in their next feature!

You can check out Spark Erotic at these places online: