RC: Tell us about yourself, how long have you been doing erotic boudoir photography and how did you get started?

I started erotic boudoir photography through doing Remote Portrait Sessions during the Covid quarantine. I love the depth and intimacy that erotic photography allows for. I’ve always been interested in this, and shooting remotely seemed to be the best way. It’s a safe way for people to explore this vulnerably since I’m not actually in the room. It’s very freeing for each of us.

RC: What is your process when working with a couple or individual?

I like to take my clients on a creative journey. We start with a virtual consultation to decide the best places to shoot in your space, and we choose your outfits together. Then on the day of the photo shoot you have a session with an erotic embodiment guide to help you get out of your head and connect to your heart and essence. At the erotic boudoir photo shoot we have a lot of fun dropping into the various settings and exploring your own personal expression.

RC: What is the hottest photo shoot you’ve ever had? Juicy details please!

For me me hotness is all about depth and vulnerability. I love seeing the connection between partners and how it is different for each couple. Everyone has their own individual expression of sexuality which makes my job really interesting! 

One erotic boudoir photography session that comes to mind is this one couple on their dining table, with him laying on his back over it completely nude, and she is slowly laying soft kisses all over his body. Oh, and all their dining room windows were open! It was mostly for lighting, but that added to their exhibitionist nature! We taped the cell phone to the ceiling fan and I got some really great shots with so much intense emotion on his face as he got lost in her touch…. When I was editing the images afterwards I realized that seeing them in high-contrast black & white added a whole other impact and immediacy to them. But what I found interesting was that they still had this delicate, intimate feel to them despite the intensity of the moment. And that’s what I look for, a really interesting balance like that. Needless to say, they were very pleased with the final prints!
RC: With Covid-19, how has this affected your business?

Our time in quarantine is actually what inspired this new business offering! I’ve been a erotic boudoir photographer for many years, but during quarantine I wanted to create something that gave us back some joy and difference in our day. Something that is special and separate from our days that now seem to blend together. I am grateful for this time and inspiration to create this new direction in my business of erotic boudoir photography. It’s been quite an adventure!

RC: What should people know about working with an erotic photographer?

Be yourself. Communicate your needs, wants and boundaries. Speak up if you are shy, scared or nervous. Make sure you trust the photographer and that you feel safe in how they respond to your needs. Most importantly, know that you are absolutely perfect as you are and worthy of being seen in all your radiance! 

The best way to get to know a photographer is to simply talk with them. Have a cup of coffee and see how comfortable you feel with them. I’m offering The Red Couch readers a complementary zoom call with me if you are curious about an erotic boudoir photography session for yourself, alone or with a partner.  I’d love to get to know you and your photographic desires!

Use this link to sign up for the zoom call*: https://go.oncehub.com/zoommeetingwithrebecca
Learn more about my work, collections offered and pricing here: www.rebeccatolk.com
If you are ready to go and want to book now, click here: https://www.rebeccatolk.com/collections

*Collections start at $4,800. Payment plans available.