We were recently swapping [pun completely intended] stories with some newbie friends of ours about situations meeting swinger couples that went bad. One of which they had met up with a couple from an online website for dinner. As soon as they walked through the door they immediately knew that it wasn’t a connection, but alas they had scheduled dinner with them. Our friends suffered through the 12 course meal the other couple ordered, plus dessert. The whole time they couldn’t wait to call it a night. The other couple hadn’t picked up on their cues and they were too nice to excuse themselves.
What is probably most frustrating about situations like this is the amount of time, energy and money that is wasted on a connection that is doomed from the start.
The Red Couch
We shared with them some of our tips and strategies when it comes to meeting swinger couples online and how to weed out the fakes, phonies and time wasters.
Smoke Them Out Quickly
I know its easy to set up a KIK chat and waste hours on end with back and forth sexting, texts and sending pictures, but seriously guys – you’re investing too much upfront energy without even meeting these people. We’ve been in situations before where we have chatted back and forth for weeks on end, only to end up meeting swinger couples to find out they either weren’t who they said they were or had issues. Now we only use KIK and messenger platforms to set up a meeting as soon as we can. If you can’t plan to meet up with us within 2 weeks – we move on from the conversation. We’re not interested in making plans out till 2021.

Beware Of Profiles With No Pics of The Male Half
Which is 90% of the online world. If the only pictures they have on their kinky profile is of the female half, then in our opinion it’s either one of two reasons. One, it’s actually a guy using pictures of his wife/gf who is unaware and he is mind fucking other couples. I imagine he is sitting behind his computer at home while wife is making dinner for the kids, stroking his cock to the other couples he reaches out to. It’s a fantasy for him, but has never even talked to his wife about it nor does she know. Or two, the reason they are hiding the male half is because…let’s just say he’s less than a 10. He is over weight, missing teeth or has no neck. A legit profile should have pics of both people so the woman can actually see if she is interested in the guy from a physical standpoint.
Meet Up in a Social Setting
After a few online “dates” that ended up being a waste of time, we resolved that we prefer to meet people in a social setting. This has multiple benefits that outweigh the option of going out on a individual date with a couple. [Not saying we haven’t met some awesome people on individual dates but it has been the rare exception.] Meeting up at a club, party or event is a better option because if it turns out you don’t click with them, at least there are several other couples there for you both to meet. Also, it takes the pressure off to try and entertain each other. A club will have dancing, music, hot tubs and other amenities that you both can participate in and still have a fun night out. Lastly, meeting a couple in a social setting will allow you to see if the couple is real, serious and if they actually look like their pictures.
Phone Calls or Video Chats
Guys, it’s 2020. Nearly everyone has a smart phone that can take clear, recent pictures. Most people know how to use Facetime or Facebook messenger. Also, certain messaging apps do have video features where you can vc with another person, verifying they are who they say they are. If someone is skeptical about getting a quick phone call in or bucking against getting a quick video message in, then they should be suspect. We’re all trying to be discreet here, but there is a difference between being discreet and being fake. If you can get a chance to video chat with them or at least have a quick phone call, you have a better chance of feeling out the couple before you set up a meet up.
Hopefully some of these tips resonate with you. Our goal is to save you time, money and heart-ache when trying to navigate the online world of meeting couples. Everyone is different and some couples don’t like clubs or parties and prefer the more intimate setting. The great thing about what we call “the lifestyle” is you can make it your own.
What works for you? Do you have any tips or advice for couples meeting other couples online using the websites? Any good or bad meet ups you’d like to share? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
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