We had never been to a swingers group in St. Louis Missouri. Come to find out, there is a nice regional group of kinky couples looking to get freaky in the Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois area. This was The Red Couch’s first interstate lifestyle connection. We attended National Swingers Weekend 2020 in July and had a blast with LifeinSTyLe Swingers Group St. Louis, Missouri. You can catch our review here https://theredcouch.co/2020/08/05/review-lifeinstylestl-national-swingers-weekend-2020/.

We caught up with Em and Lou of Lifeinstyle STL [swingers group in St. Louis Missouri] to ask them a few questions about their fast growing group in St. Louis.

TRC: How did Lifeinstyle STL start? 

We love to party and found that house parties really made us comfortable and allowed for exploration. When the house party that we loved abruptly stopped, we took a moment and thought to ourselves “we need to try to host something” . These were our date nights and were very important to us. We had to make it work.

TRC: What do you feel makes this group the hottest lifestyle group in the Midwest?

We feel extremely grateful to have been able to meet all the sexy couples that we have over the years.

Amazing, sweet, kind couples inside and out! That is what makes them the sexiest. We are growing quickly and that makes us the hottest.

TRC: You hosted National Swingers Weekend in July. Tell us more about your vision for that.

We wanted to expand for a while and some friends told us about the LOTO. [Lake In The Ozarks] When we checked it out, we knew it would work. It was like being 17 again! Dancing in the hallway, oil wrestling, contests surrounded by free, consensual beautiful adults was incredible.

TRC: The panda. We’ve heard he’s an asshole?

The panda….. what can I say. It was an innocent start to a very sexy fun addition to the dance floor. He’s the sexiest, most dirty minded panda that you’ll ever have the pleasure of knowing. Lol he also loves tequila, so surprise shots are a fun bonus. Ladies love him!

TRC: What’s next for Lifeinstyle STL? 

Next is interesting, the sky is the limit as far as we are concerned.  We think BIG, always have.  This little snowflake idea turned into an avalanche, we are here to take over.  Watch out for some international events, wink wink…

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