Myth #1. Because you’re open to swap couples means you want to fuck everyone and should fuck everyone.
The reality is that attraction is 100% up to the individual and if you’re fucking people you’re not even attracted to, well..that says something about you.
Myth #2. Swinging is risky.
The fact is that swingers and non-monogamous couples in general, are MORE conscious about safe sex than others. The conversation about safe sex, condom use and exactly who they are fucking is usually more open and insisted upon.
Myth #3. Swingers are old and wrinkly.
Not true! While there are people of all ages that swing, we’ve noticed a variety of age groups at clubs and parties we’ve been to. Mostly, we’ve found attractive, decent looking, clean couples our age at the events we’ve been to.
Myth #4. People who swing aren’t happy in their relationships.
Not necessarily true. Inviting others into your bedroom insists on openness, honesty and loving responses between you and your partner. It actually improves your bond. If you lack openness and honesty in your relationship, it’s not because of swinging.
Myth #5. Women who swing are slutty
Don’t hate on a girl just cause she’s living out her sexual desires! Often these words are spoken by those who are repressed in their own fantasies. The truth of the matter is that just like men have things they enjoy within the realm of sexuality, so do women. Instead of calling her slutty, try calling her empowered for going after what she wants.
Myth #6. Swinging has to include orgies.
Nope! We meet plenty of couples that aren’t into the group scene. They would prefer to meet a couple and head to a private room or place behind closed doors. Sometimes couples stick to a simple threesome situation. Never feel pressured to join a group scene if you’re not into it.